
Library catalogue

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Other catalogues

Deakin University Library
Search all collections at Deakin University, including Theses and Special Collections, along with collections from other libraries including Burwood, Warrnambool, and Geelong.

La Trobe University
Search the entire collection, or choose a link to search campus library catalogues.

Melbourne University
Combines the collections of Melbourne University, Melbourne Business School, and the Victorian College of the Arts.

Monash University
Find books, articles, journals, databases and more. Use Advanced search to narrow your results.

RMIT University
Covers RMIT University holdings of print, multimedia and electronic resources.

Royal Melbourne Hospital
Search the collections of the Royal Melbourne Hospital, the Royal Women's Hospital, the Northern Health and Western Health libraries.

Trove - National Library of Australia
Trove is the place to explore all things Australian. It is a single point of entry to a treasure trove of artefacts, curiosities and stories from Australia's cultural, community and research institutions. On Trove you can find more than 6 billion digital items on any topic. Trove connects you to digital collections from hundreds of Trove Partners across Australia, including libraries, museums, galleries, the media, government and community organisations and more.

Search the collections of more than 10,000 world libraries. Create a free account to create lists, bibliographies and reviews of library materials.