LibKey Nomad browser extension

LibKey Nomad provides one-click access to Library-subscribed fulltext articles on many journal platforms.

Once installed, select 'royal children's hospital' as your organisation and you're good to go.

Install now

This extension works with Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Brave, Vivaldi, and Safari.


  • Simple to install. Get it up and running in seconds.
  • Acts as an additional research tool to indicate when fulltext is available while searching the open web (Google, Google Scholar, PubMed).
  • Increases awareness of available content.
  • Works both on- and off-site (OpenAthens account required for off-site use).
  • LibKey neither stores nor shares user information, so you remain anonymous.

How it works

When searching the open web for full text articles, you'll see a notification appear at the bottom left of your screen if content is available to you. It's working on most of the major platforms that the Library subscribes to.

Additionally, some sites may offer a “View Complete Issue” link. This takes you to Browzine, a journal viewing platform which is fully integrated with the Library’s journals database.

After installing the extension select Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne from the list of libraries.



That's it!



When searching the open web for full text articles, you'll see one of these notifications appear on your screen.




An "Article Link" or “Access Options” notification might mean that we have access from a different site than the one you're currently on, so the link will redirect you to that site.


"Access Options" may also mean that we do not have full text immediately available. In this case, the link will redirect you to our journals database where you can make a Document Delivery request.