EndNote Click (formerly Kopernio)

EndNote Click is a free browser plugin for EndNote.

Download EndNote Click and connect to the Library's journal subscriptions. If the Library does not subscribe to a journal, EndNote Click will search for an open access alternative.

EndNote Click can provide access to articles both on and off-site*. The first time you try to access a PDF off-site using EndNote Click you must authenticate using OpenAthens. Next time, EndNote Click will recognise your entitlements and retrieve the PDFs.

Once you have the PDF you can:

  • export it to your favourite reference management tool
  • download it to your desktop
  • save it in your EndNote Click 'Locker', which serves as a search history and PDF manager.

EndNote Click integrates with Mendeley, EndNote, Dropbox and Zotero.

When you export a PDF to EndNote desktop, it will export the PDF as well as the citation.

See an introductory video on getting started with EndNote Click. View the video description to skip to chapters that are relevant to you.

* While EndNote Click can be useful for EndNote users, we recommend the LibKey Nomad browser extension for general internet searching and a quicker way to get Library-subscribed fulltext.

Connect to RCH Library resources

After installing the plugin you are redirected to your EndNote Click Locker.

Go to Settings, fill in your details, and type Royal Children's Hospital into the Institution field.

You can also choose your preferred search provider by going to Customise and choosing either PubMed or Google. Web of Science is only available to users with a university affiliation and where that university is set as the Institution.

Click the icon in your browser toolbar to search directly from EndNote Click

In PubMed, EndNote Click will prompt you when it finds an article that is immediately available to you.

If you are outside the RCH network you'll be prompted to authenticate. Scroll down the window and choose to log in using your OpenAthens account.