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Clinical Guidelines

GIN International Guideline Library
The GIN International Guideline Library contains guidelines from across the globe in many languages, both published and in development.

Guideline Central
Guideline Central is the world's largest free library of up-to-date guideline summaries. Browse thousands of free guidelines summaries encompassing every setting, specialty, and purpose.

Immunise Australia Program
Provides best-practice information for clinicians and consumers on vaccination for children and adults.

Medical Journal of Australia Clinical Guidelines
Published by the MJA, these guidelines represent the consensus opinion of experts based on review of the scientific literature.

National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) Guidance
A UK independent organisation responsible for providing national guidance on promoting good health and preventing and treating ill health.
NICE guidance is developed using the expertise of the NHS and the wider healthcare community including NHS staff, healthcare professionals, patients and carers, industry and the academic world.

Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Guidelines
RACGP guidelines (The Red Book) for preventive activities in general practice.


APA Style Guide
Style rules and guidelines of the American Psychological Association. Includes style tips, electronic referencing, and ethics of publication.

Instructions for Authors
Contains links to Web sites which provide instructions to authors for hundreds of journals in the health sciences. All links are to "primary sources", that is, to sites of publishers or organizations having editorial responsibilities for particular titles.

NCBI Journal Browser
Find the full journal title from abbreviations, or abbreviations from the full title. From the National Center for Biotechnology Information.

A University of Melbourne Library guide to referencing, citation and acknowledgement in your research and essay writing.

Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals
Guidelines for the format of manuscripts submitted to journals, stating the ethical principles in the conduct and reporting of research, and recommendations relating to specific elements of editing and writing.